Student Notices - June 1, 2022

  • June is Pride Month: Glow club wants to wish the LGBTQ2+ community and all those celebrating a safe and happy Pride month! Regardless of how someone identifies, they should have free and equal rights in our society. To take part in celebrating Pride month you are invited to submit a monochromatic photo or artwork to be hung on the giant rainbow in the lounge. See the small bulletin board of student photos outside the staff room to get the idea. Submit any art to Ms. Moss or Mr. Smyth to include in displays.


  • Attention students. If you are planning to travel and cannot come back on the 1st day of school, being 6 September, please check the website and download a form called Notice of Late Return. Have your parents to complete it and email it to school. It is important for the school to know your late date of arrival so that we can reserve the spot for you at school.


  • Good morning! All service hours are now overdue. We will be reporting completion out in your report cards. As well, for ALL grade 10’s who took Science and Language and Literature this year – your IDU and IDU reflections are DUE Friday. You can submit via Teams, to your Science Teacher or your Language and Literature teacher. The IDU marks are reported out in the report card, separate from your subject marks.


  • What’s up Trojans! Grad Com is selling freezies this Friday, and every Friday after that! Sales will start at $1! Stay cool and buy some freezies in the lounge at lunch.



Updated: Wednesday, June 1, 2022