Personal Learning Time (PLT)
Why Personal Learning Time?
One of our school goals is to increase student engagement as we work within the framework of BC’s new curriculum. Through PLT, students will be able to access support during the school day. We believe that PLT will encourage a healthy school/life balance as many students are balancing a number of extra-curricular activities and out of school commitments.
What can students do during Personal Learning Time?
- Seek academic support (from teachers and/or peers)
- Complete homework
- Complete assignments
- Prepare for an upcoming quiz/test
- Catch up on missed tests/quizzes/assignments
- Work on a project (i.e. Personal Project, Capstone)
- Engaged reading
- Re-write or re-organize notes
- Organize binder/notebook
- Self-directed learning
- Passion project
What are the expectations of students during PLT?
- Value this time to work on learning activities.
- Respect that this is learning time, not social time.
- Improve time management.
- Set a specific goal to focus on in advance of PLT.
- Arrive on time in an enrolling teacher’s classroom.
- Remain in the learning space for the duration of the period.
Grade 10. 11, and 12 students can sign-up with any teacher for PLT.
Grade 8 and 9 students are to sign-up with one of their enrolling teachers.