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Grade 7 Parent Information

We are extremely excited to welcome your son/daughter to our school for September, 2025!  We look forward to working with your family as you likely have a number of questions about the transition to Grade 8.   We are  planning for the coming school year to ensure a smooth transition from elementary school for your child.

On Thursday, January 23rd, we have scheduled an in-person Program Planning Information meeting and Showcase Night at 6:30 pm. 

During the Information meeting portion, you will have a chance to hear about the options available for your child at Boyd. You will also learn about our IB Middle Years Program, and our Incentive Program, all of which are designed to offer students an enriched learning experience.  

If you are unable to attend the Program PlanningShowcase Night, please don’t hesitate to call with any questions you might have.  Our counsellors will visit all grade 7 feeder schools between January 20 - 23, 2025 to give students information about Boyd and Grade 8 course selection.  Please see attached forms: Grade 8 Program Planning sheet and Program Planning Guide.

Information about our Incentive program is on our website hereapplications are due by January 31, 2025.  Attached find the Grade 7 Catchment Letter.  

If you are not from one of our elementary feeder schools, you are also welcome to come and join us on Thursday, January 23rd for an evening showcasing our fantastic school. Also attached is the Grade 8 Program Planning sheet for your child to complete and return to your chid's counsellor: Mr. Lam (student's last name A-L ) or Mr. McDonnell (student's last name M-Z ).