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Student Support Services

The Learning Centre, Resource Tutorial Program, Life Skills Program 


The Learning Centre is staffed with a team of Learning Resource Teachers and offers two types of academic support to Hugh Boyd Students: 

Learning Strategies Block

A Learning Strategies block offers targeted enrolled support to students who are working on an IEP and/or require on-going academic support in order to successfully meet the learning outcomes of their courses. The Learning Strategies block, generally taken in place of a language or an elective, offers students direct support in academics, skill building, organization, and study skills. Students are typically referred to the Learning Centre program by their elementary school, although referrals can be made through the counselling team throughout their years at Hugh Boyd. Placement in a Learning Strategies block is determined by the School Based Team (SBT) consisting of resource teachers, classroom teachers, counsellors, and administration.  Students are required to utilize the support of the drop-in service before being considered for enrollment in a Learning Strategies block.   

Learning Centre Drop-In Support

The Learning Centre also offers universal academic support on a drop-in basis to all Hugh Boyd students. Students are welcome to come to the Learning Centre with teacher permission during their classes for support with homework, assignments, and project work. 

Resource Tutorial Program

The Resource Tutorial (RT) program goes hand in hand with the Life Skills and Learning Centre programs at Boyd Secondary.  This program is designed to meet the needs of a variety of students with diverse abilities.   Students who join this program are recommended by elementary school staff or through our School Based Team.  Students are provided academic, social and emotional support and may be working towards a Dogwood, Evergreen, or Adult Graduation Certificate.  During their assigned Resource Tutorial support block, students receive assistance with their adapted and/or modified classwork along with direct instruction in study skills and strategies.   Students may also drop in when extra help is needed.  The Resource Tutorial program also offers Literacy and Numeracy classes to further develop skills in these areas. 


The Resource department's Life Skills Program is designed to meet the needs of the student who is labelled as having Diverse Abilities. 

A Transition Plan begins in January and is followed through until the new school year.  IEP meetings happen in the Fall.  Goals are met with possible support from Educational Assistants, Resource Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Speech and Language Consultants, Counselors, District Consultants, working closely with school Administration. Students are integrated into mainstream classes as well as get a Support Resource Block as needed. 

In their Support Resource Block students receive help with their regular/adapted/modified class assignments, functional life skills, community experience, social skills, job preparation. Once the students have reached Gr. 10, they may opt to choose the path of Work Experience or continue to work towards their Evergreen Certificate.