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Grade 8 Welcoming Activities

To help our newest students transition into high school, Hugh Boyd set up several activities to learn more about the students, and for them to get to know the school and each other, the Graduating class of 2028.

At the end of the 2022-23 school year we had a feeder school breakfast for the teachers of our Grade 7 students, transition meetings to learn more specifics about our newest students and any needs they may have, a Grade 7 basketball tournament (March 7-9) and a Grade 7 Orientation Day full of fun getting to know you activities and a pizza lunch (May 25).

In September of this year (2023-24), we had a Grade Assemblies on September 5, followed by weekly activity days where we taught Grade 8 students how to be successful in high school. Topics on these activity Fridays included:

  1. How to stay organized (using your agenda and calendar)
  2. Appropriate Cell phone use
  3. Mindfulness, Growth mindset and Stress management
  4. Tech tips-how to use MyEdBC and Teams
  5. Goal setting
  6. And a fun activity day which included:
    1. Grade 12 students sharing tricks for success
    2. Clubs and Teams information
    3. Letters to self (to be returned to students in their Grade 12 year)
    4. Bowling and Team building games
    5. A Welcome to High School dance

We also shared with all Grade 8 students a helpful Handbook to help them feel ready for high school (see attached). We know these activities helped students feel even more connected to the Hugh Boyd community and they promoted a sense of belonging and engagement for our newest students.

Now that we are in February of 2024, we are very confident that our Grade 8 class is feeling welcomed and comfortable at our school. They are a great group of young people who is already having a very positive impact on this community. We continue to look forward to great things as they move through our school on their way to being the Grad class of 2028! Congratulations on everything you have accomplished so far in your first half-year of high school.


Updated: Wednesday, February 7, 2024