2024/25 Focus
One of our school goals continues to be to increase student engagement as we work within the framework of BC's curriculum, particularly around Core Competencies as well as Approaches to Learning (ATLs) as an International Baccalaureate school.
Over the past two years, our focus has been on building the Personal and Social competency, working purposely to emphasize Social Emotional Learning (SEL) within our school community. We have been looking at ways to support our students with exercising self-direction and self-management in their learning. We initiated a pilot project from January to June, 2019 around Personal Learning Time (PLT). This focused instructional time is for students to seek academic support, work on projects (i.e. passion projects in specific subject areas, MYP Personal Project), engage in collaborative learning, or a myriad of other opportunities.
Through PLT, students were able to access support during the school day. We felt that PLT encouraged a healthy school/life balance as many of our Boyd students were balancing a number of extra-curricular activities and out-of-school commitments. In April, 2019, students, staff, and parents were surveyed about PLT and our school moved forward with full implementation for the 2019/20 school year. We had tremendous success with the program for much of the 2019-20 school year, but after the pandemic interrupted our process, we were no longer able to continue this initiative. We did, however, bring back PLT in September of 2022 and have been using it very effectively ever since!
For the 2024-25 school year, we will further examine the Personal and Social competency by asking students about their connectedness and feelings of belonging through an equity framework. Quantitative data will be gathered through the means of a survey, with further qualitative data being gathered through focus groups questions and conversations, specifically considering three areas of concern for us as a community:
- Mental Health-how are we doing?
- Conversations about:
- The pressures students are facing
- How we can help
- How has the past year struggles impacted life pressures and learning opportunities
- Conversations about:
- School Connectedness and Engagement levels
- Analysis of school success data and specific discussion about Hugh Boyd:
- What are you proud of at Hugh Boyd?
- What goals do you have for yourself this year and how will attain these goals?
- How do you push yourself to be your best?
- How can/do Hugh Boyd staff show you they care about you and your success?
- Can you name two or more staff members who you feel care about you and are confident that you will become successful?
- Analysis of school success data and specific discussion about Hugh Boyd:
- Truth and Reconciliation-awareness and actions
- Commitment to teaching and learning more and doing better as members of this country:
- What do we teach and learn about Indigenous Peoples?
- How aware are we of the history of this country?
- What can we do to make improvements moving forward?
- Commitment to teaching and learning more and doing better as members of this country: