This document on our school website is to provide students and parents with an overview of the course offerings at Hugh Boyd Secondary School. It is intended to help students and their parents choose the most appropriate courses for the upcoming school year. Some courses must be taken to meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education, while others will be chosen to meet individual interests and goals.
Please use the links on the side of this page for more detailed course information from each department.
Current Grade 8 to 11 students will be able to enter their course selections between February 9 - 23, 2024. Students will only be able to access the MyEdBC course selection website within these dates. A detailed description of this process can be found in a pdf file attachment below. Students' personalized course selections must be completed in MyEdBC by 3:00pm on Friday, February 23, 2024.
Due to timetable and staffing considerations, course changes will be difficult after initial selections and therefore, it is very important that the selection of courses be done thoughtfully. Students and parents should examine this section of the website carefully and then discuss the choice of courses. Course and timetable changes in September are not always possible.
Students entering Grades 10 through 12 need to plan their courses with career and/or post- secondary programs in mind. Please check with your counsellor if you have specific questions about options beyond high school.
Note: courses will be run only if there is sufficient enrolment to justify a class. If a student selects a course for which there is insufficient enrolment, the student will be placed in the first alternative course identified by the student. Therefore, please choose alternate courses with care.
A reminder for students and parents/guardians that all program planning forms are to be:
1) entered online in MyEd and
2) return forms into the counselling office by Feb. 21st.
Grade 9:
Grade 10:
Grade 11:
Grade 12: